ST-6000 Gen II Multi Crop Thresher
50 times faster than manual threshing
Threshes: maize, rice, beans, soybeans, sorghum, millet, bambara & cowpea beans and more.
Capacity: Maize: 1.5 ton - 3 ton/hr Soybean: - 0.35 ton - 0.8 ton/hr Sorghum/ millet: 1 ton - 2 ton/hr Beans (with stalk): 0.5 ton - 1.2 ton/hr Beans (in pod): 1 ton to 2 ton/hr Rice (long stalk): 0.5 ton/hr Rice (short stalk 10cm to 30cm): 1 ton - 2 ton
Fuel type : Diesel Consumption: 1.2L/hr or 2 gallons for 8 hours run Engine horsepower : 18-24 hp All parts and supplies are available for replacement.
One Thresher, Many Impacts

Improved Productivity
(10.8ton/season) Reduces threshing post-harvest losses to less than 2% from an of 30%

Relieved Women Farmers of Drudgery

Saved school Children
Our thresher saves 4 children, 17 school days for education

Builds capacity of local manufacturing

Improved health for farmers especially women and children

Saved school Children
Our thresher saves 4 children, 17 school days for education
ST-6000 Gen II on Field
The Menewenyo Women’s Group; a group of women 20 in number at Sefwi Mempeasem in the Sefwi Wiawso Municipality of the Western North Region has benefited from the threshing services provided by the European Union-funded ReDIAL project. The women, who hitherto harvested between 10 and 20 bags of maize and beans each cropping season, are hoping for their maximum yield since 1999 this year.