Justina’s Story at SAYeTECH

In my second year of acquiring a degree in Logistics and Supply Chain Management from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, interning for Sayetech was one of the best experiences for me.

Initially, I had a few inhibitions about working for an agricultural manufacturing company because it wasn’t my usual field of play but I took this as an opportunity to challenge myself and be open to new things. Working with the business development team of Sayetech proved to be a real eye opener for me. I welcomed all the responsibilities I was presented with and learnt a lot. I got a real glimpse into the corporate world and it’s ups and downs.

I was so glad I took the opportunity to intern at sayetech. I met some really amazing people and gained a lot of skills in administrative work. I went on to even apply to be a part time administrative associate because I wasn’t ready yet to bring my learning process to an end. I’m in my third year and a part time administrative associate for Sayetech. Thank you Sayetech!”



Derrick Otoo-Addo’s Internship with SAYeTECH

Pursuing a career in engineering metallurgy during my tertiary education and after, I was always actively seeking jobs and internship programs opportunities that would challenge my knowledge and skills in my metal craftsmanship field of study.

Working for Sayetech has been fun and educational.

I interned at Sayetech and went on to become a CAD associate.

I’ve learnt a lot about manufacturing and metal works that  I wasn’t taught in the classroom, I’ve also had the opportunity to meet very amazing colleagues, build a work family and even acquired some solid connections.”


Abdul Karim Haruna’s Story at SAYeTECH

“For a long time I wasn’t sure I was going to get a job that would allow me to sharpen my skills in metal work because growing up, I was always interested in building miniature toys out of scrap metal. 

Unable to further my education after high school, I started looking for jobs where I could work with metal and do what I do best.

So finding Sayetech has been a dream come true. Here at Sayetech, I’ve been able to hone my craft to an almost expert level and I can’t wait to get even better, with persistence and help from all my colleagues. Thank You Sayetech!”


Yakubu Suleiman at SAYeTECH

“I am enjoying every bit of my time here at Sayetech because landing a job as a technician in a company where every employee’s suggestions and expertise are cherished was a huge win for me when I started working here. 

I am so glad to be working with Sayetech because not only do they make sure to provide everything we need to work productively but employees are also treated with the utmost respect.

Specifically in Africa, it is not easy to run a successful start up as a young entrepreneur and with the vision of reducing unemployment and promoting sustainability in Africa, so, I am very honoured to be a part of this initiative.

I look forward to Sayetech expanding and helping as many farmers in Africa as possible.”