“ Pursuing mechanical engineering as a female in Africa is a very daring move. My goal is to make a difference in the lives of many with what I’ve learnt and can do. Working with Sayetech has been overall intriguing. Being part and being able to witness how my knowledge is used to practically solve real life problems and change the lives of many in Africa. This is a very big score for me as a female engineer in Africa. I’ve been able to extensively appreciate engineering on a whole new level. Moreover, I’ve been able to enhance my CAD skills, learnt how to work effectively in teams and finally build healthy working relationships with my colleagues.”
-EMMANUELLA AGNES MENSAH0Please leave a feedback on thisx
Protected: A New Chapter in Grain Cleaning for Farmers in Zang, Nakpachie, and Yendi – An AGRA and iDE Powered Project Empowering Smallholder Farmers as Women Entrepreneurs
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